We offer driven rollers in all types and variations, either in steel or in plastic.
Our driven rollers are designed for all types of:
- Application
- In door
- Out door
- High pressure hose cleaning
- Hot ambient tempreatures
- Cold ambient temperatures
No task is impossible. We produce in all sizes and dimensions, either our standard range or as per customer specification.
Chain wheel rollers are also called drive rollers and are predominantly used in Unit Handling conveyor systems.
We manufacture these conveyor rollers in all kinds of variations:
- With single or double chain wheel
- A conical jacket
- Hardened
- And much more
It goes without saying that the structure of the chain wheel is made according to your requirements. Please note that there are some standard sizes that we keep continuously in stock.
We manufacture customized chain wheel rollers and will be pleased to advice you on the basis of our experience gained in many years. The layout, design, and the tolerances depend on the corresponding environmental variables on site.
Please contact us by mail or telephone +45 70 70 29 33 with your inquiry.